Sunday, 3 May 2009

357 days and counting

So I've been pretty rubbish. Although I did the great north run (with a chest infection) and I am very proud of that, I have gradually put weight back on. I got weighed on Wednesday and was 16 stone 10lb.

Over the past year people have kept telling me how hard it is to get a place in the London marathon so I didn't think I would be able to. I thought I wouldn't get a place and would end up not doing it, so I've not really taken it seriously.

Although not taking it seriously and putting weight on it I was still intending to do it so applied to the National Deaf childrens society at the first opportunity. I knew it would be a while before I heard, they would probably wait a while to give people a chance to apply and I expect the people who have already done the London Marathon would get priority so when I got an email from them on Wednesday I assumed it would be a standard 'we've got your application and will be getting back to you'

I was wrong... IT WAS ONLY TELLING ME I HAVE A PLACE IN THE 2010 LONDON MARATHON!!!! I spent several minutes pacing backwards and forwards across the living room swearing. It was only at this point I realised I hadn't been taking it seriously. All the thoughts going through my head was things like 'what the hell was I thinking? I can't run 26 miles' 'I'm an idiot, I've put 2 stone on' 'what the fuck am I going to do, I can't do it'

I don't think anyone who knows me will be suprised to hear there was a few tears. I didn't have long to dwell on it as I had an appointment with Matt at the gym. I had calmed down a bit by the time I got there but was still in quite a panick. It was quite good timing actually as talking to matt calmed me down and he made it seem not quite so impossible by being practical and mathodical (which is how I like things) and just setting out step by step what we need to do.

Anyway it is now deffinite. I am doing the London Marathon. I can't back out now. The countdown is on. There can be no more excuses and no more messing around. Since getting that email on Wednesday I had a session with Matt at the gym then parked 1km away from the school and part walked part jogged there and then back again with Chloe.

On Thursday I let Chloe ride her bike to school and I ran at the side of her (and helped push the bike up the hills) then part walked part ran (mainly walked) back again. 7 mile round trip up and down very big hills.

Friday I did nothing *shock* I was having a virgin vie party so I was too busy obsessivly cleaning.

Saturday I ran the 5km to the gym, did 20 minutes on the bike then walked the 5km back home.

Today I went out for a 5km run. I didn't actually manage to run all of it but there were some very steep hills. At two points I had to stop running and walk. It took me 48 minutes. Last year the race for life took me 35 minutes but it is a much easier route and I know I did it much faster than I had done training runs.

I'm tired but then I suppose I had better get used to that. I'm probably going to be tired for the next 357 days.

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