Crap way to end the 6 weeks. anyway if it is right that means I have lost 1st 5lb in total. I'm having a couple of days off and have eaten loads of junk but will be getting back to healthy eating and exercising daily soon. I will be going to RPM tomorrow anyway.
Photos - Here are the photos of me at the start, 3 weeks and at 6 weeks. If you can see any difference you are doing better than me. i really thought I could see a difference in myself in the mirror but looking at these photos I think I was just fooling myself.
Your tummy looks smaller on the second one down.
I am sorry you didn't get the results you wanted but to lose over a stone in 6 weeks is still good going.
Have you thought about coming off hormonal contraceptives? I was just writing about them on my blog.
Haha, Michelle you know how long it's been since I have been in a relationship. Why on earth would I be on contaceptives?
i thought you were on the injection? ignore me i must be going mental!!
I was on the injection. I came off it just under a year ago. I put the irratic periods down to that at first which is why it took so long for me to go to the doc but they got worse over time not better.
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