Sunday 13 September 2009

Doctors appointment!

I don't flipping believe this.

a few month ago I went to the doctor and he told me to make an appointment with him and the nurse for an internal examination. I did that but then my period came on and I had to cancel it. After that it was on off on off which was mainly what I had gone to the doctor about.

Then it was on for over a month. Finally last Monday I thought I can't keep on waiting for it to end to make the appointment, it just isn't ending so phoned to make an appointment to go back and see the doctor. They couldn't fit me in for a week and gave me an appointment for tomorrow.

Today my period stopped! fantastic timing eh?

Now do I cancel my appointment and rebook one for the doc and the nurse as I was originally supposed to be doing or do I keep the appointment tomorow morning just with the doc. If I cancel and rebook it will probably be another week and who knows if I'll be on or off by then and I could go on forever cancelling and booking appointments.

But I also feel silly going back and saying I made an appointment to see you as I couldn't do as you said because of my period but it's stopped now.

Flipping heck. I don't know what to do.


yorkshirepud said...

I find it a bit bizarre that someone has clicked funny.

I don't flipping find it funny.

Michelle said...

Keep it and explain your reasons. He might say 'oh while you are here I will see if the nurse can squeeze you in'.